Destiny Designer

by | Jun 5, 2014

 She called me this morning, thrilled to the core.

For years now, most of her calls have been upbeat, but this one was over the top. This one faded other conversations into oblivion.

Over the years we have conversed about her:

        dating debacles         teaching degree           wedding plans

        daughters’ births          homeschooling          married life

     living under construction               divorce proceedings

     nursing degree          heart-wrenching abuse memories

    parents’ deaths       new love          photography

job challenges           traveling dreams          family dynamics

       honest, Spirit-led fellowship and the lack thereof

              God concepts

Three months ago she quit her well-paying nursing job to assist in a non-paying ministry. (click to discover her ministries) Left all except her supportive, patient husband to follow Him.

Left all. Followed Him.

“I just know that now is the time. I’m convinced. This is where God wants me.”

Quit job. Left income-producing, fishing nets behind. Followed Him.

“I’m trusting You, Lord.”

Then she started pipe-dreaming, obsessing actually, over her longing to travel. She researched RV’s and motor homes.

“Why, Lord? Why am I thinking about this? I don’t have the money. I just want to help the fatherless and widows and the abused who are being held captive. So why an expensive RV?”

This morning the Light poured in.

“An RV is how you will help rescue the captives and reach those who are fatherless. An RV will be a safe place for them. From there you will help heal the abused. An RV will take you to fellowships willing to be taught how to relate to the rescued. This, my darling daughter, is your destiny, your reason to be.”

THOSE calls, those other calls over the years, every one significant, had been but mere pieces of her life’s puzzle. THIS one was her fit, her long-sought answer.

Her destiny.

Planned by the Father of Lights. Her Lover above all lovers. The Healer of her fractured life. The Giver of her dreams.

Her Destiny Designer.

Have you discovered your destiny? Share how your Destiny Designer revealed your reason to be.

“For I know the plans I have for you . . . .” Jeremiah 29:11

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