Choose Your Fear

by | Jul 18, 2024

Choose Your Fear - Guest Blog by JeriAnne Berry

The world today is a fearful place. Our amygdala is in overdrive. It clangs a warning. On the news, we see destruction. Our own problems and traumas increase our fear. We hear the alarm. Do we take flight or stay and fight?

Usually, fear paralyzes. The choice is difficult, but I’ve discovered a better option.

Choose a fear that works for your good!  Choose a fear with the power to destroy all other fear. Choose a fear that keeps you safe in the process.

Choose the “The Fear of the Lord.”

Does God scare you? More than anything that makes you afraid? 

God does possess the most power, but He also possesses the most love and kindness.

Now, let the fear of the LORD be on you. Judge carefully, for with the Lord our God, there is no injustice or partiality or bribery.   2 Chronicles 19:7

These words tell us God doesn’t take bribes or show prejudice. His moral compass is perfect. He knows the history that haunts us, but He also knows our hearts and our deepest desires.  His wisdom contains working strategies. 

When we choose to fear Him and invite Him into a bad situation, He demonstrates how all things work together for our healing. His promises, when embraced, shield our minds from the fear of all things dangerous to our lives and faith, giving us hope and encouragement.

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