Second-hand Trauma Aint Fun Either – Part II

Second-hand Trauma Aint Fun Either – Part II

Part II of a deleted scene from "Heartache of Promise." JoAnne lay on her bed. Her arms held her legs, doubled up, close to her body. Her matted hair lay strung across the pillow like seaweed washed onto sand. Except for her heaving chest, she didn’t move. Rose-Marie...
Second-hand Trauma Aint Fun Either – Part I

Second-hand Trauma Aint Fun Either – Part I

Second-hand Trauma... You may NOT have received horrible abuse (thank God if that’s true), but if you were close to it like I was, its effects run deep. I can assure you, second-hand trauma ain’t fun either. However, trauma is trauma, and it’s not a competitive sport,...
Stolen Identity

Stolen Identity

Are You Controlled? “No one controls me,” you say. Are you sure? Step back and take a hard look. What movies are available? What songs? What toys for your children or you when you were a child? What is repeated and emphasized in the “news?” The tragedies that are...