Destiny Designer

Destiny Designer

 She called me this morning, thrilled to the core. For years now, most of her calls have been upbeat, but this one was over the top. This one faded other conversations into oblivion. Over the years we have conversed about her:         dating debacles         teaching...
Surrendering to a Stranger

Surrendering to a Stranger

“Oh, my poor sweetie,” my husband uses his thumb and forefinger to rub my earlobe in a teasing, somewhat patronizing fashion. “You didn’t know what you were getting into when you married me, did you?” His blue eyes twinkle as though hidden in their recesses are the...
Creative Healer

Creative Healer

Pulling folders out of the metal cabinet, I glanced at their tabs before tossing them into the trash bag. “Church Communications, Youth Ministry, Sermon Topic Ideas . . . .” “I won’t need these anymore, ever,” I gritted as the mound on the floor grew. “After what I’ve...
God in the Ultimates

God in the Ultimates

There was a time when I longed for an ideal, romantic love. My life story seemed to prove that it didn’t exist. Consequently, I thought that perhaps God didn’t exist. My pinpoint of a beam, searching for the truth about Him, grew dim as it swept the darkness. Finally,...
Gathering Glimpses

Gathering Glimpses

I’m a writer, and writers, the publishing world tells me, need “platforms” and platforms may be built by “blogging” and blogging Is just another way to help me “find my voice” and finding my voice basically means that I have a “passion” for particular areas in life...