silhouette photography of boat on water during sunset

God’s Heart in Your Storm

by | Oct 12, 2024 | 0 comments

God's Heart in Your Storm

I confess. I’m consumed with my beloved North Carolina mountains and the heartache of its people.

Pain and shock. Lives changed forever. Death. Landscape destroyed. All things familiar swept away or damaged. Infrastructure gone. It’s trauma, pure and simple.

I’ve been trying to distill it, shake it down, and sift it through the filters of my worldview, my God-view, and my paradigm.

I feel my paradigm shift with the sifting.

When my anxiety mounts or my faith seems uncertain, I know I need to process. I haven’t lost faith. I’m just in the middle of the feelings. I’ve done little except make contributions, scroll through social media, and share what I think are helpful posts. (Well, I did drive down the day of and brought fuel and water and checked on my daughter and her family. They were fine, but their only access over their creek and into their home was gone. See below.)

Now, I’m finally writing this.

I try not to let angry, negative posts affect me. I try not to jump to conclusions as I read about who/what might be responsible. Still, I can’t help but stack up what I read with what I already know about the powers that be, the corruption, the gross deceptions, and the wickedness in high places.

I try to set that aside and keep swimming through the flood waters to my own Rock Bottom, my Anchor, my true Power.

“God, your heart is in this hurricane trauma and in each individual trauma that’s been dealt with for years. Your heart is in all the traumas going on throughout the world.

Do you have a big picture in mind? Will you help me glimpse it? What are you saying? What are you telling me about your heart?

  • I will never leave you or forsake you.
  • Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you.
  • Evil has its day, but the pain will end.
  • Everything you thought about your Earth Kingdom has been lies.
  • Everything about my Heaven Kingdom will be proven true.
  • My will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven.
  • The days just ahead won’t be better, but I told you this from the beginning.
  • However, your ability to cope, process, and trust will grow.
  • You are at the edge of a new age. We’re at the “end of this age” as I said through my Son.
  • I’m preparing you to live in that new age, to shed the old and move into a different, better dimension where we will walk and talk face-to-face and hand-in-hand.
  • Now it’s time! My glory is about to be blazed around the world by faithful, light-bearing witnesses.
  • My glory and truth will starkly contrast to the evil and the “gross darkness” covering the world.
  • Remember what you’ve learned about trauma-based mind control. It’s the enemy’s go-to. When a whole swath of people can be traumatized at once, the arch deceiver can easily gain control of their minds.
  • Deception will deepen.
  • The Earth Kingdom has laid out its plans for power and control over the masses. It’s worked stealthily for years through education, entertainment, holidays, sports, governments, and more.
  • Trauma is the key to its power.
  • As these traumas affect you personally, you are to be quickened by the experience. You are being prepared to go through the next and the next into the “time of trouble such as never was” until it’s over and all is peace.
  • My heart is to shake you and all the earth so that every soul can wake up, see my truth based on love, and choose.
  • Dear one, what do you think needs to happen for an age to end? Let me tell you. Every living soul’s fate will be decided before my glorious new age begins. Your choices will decide your fate.
  • It’s only fair that I show you your options. That’s what I’m doing now. I’m helping you see your options, but only if you want to see and hear. Only if you will repent and turn.
  • Remember, you may be shaken, but my Word lasts forever.
  • Take my hand—my mighty right arm.
  • Dwell under the shelter of the Most High.
  • The choice is yours. Your free will is what I died for.

This is a time for prayer and fasting, but be sure to fast the fast that God has chosen. It’s the fast that will cause your light to shine like the morning. Take a look at Isaiah 58 for what this means.

I highly recommend that you read Isaiah chapters 40-66, where God’s heart shines through.

Always remember, when His words seem hard, his judgments are just and righteous. His people, his bloodline, were involved in trauma-based mind control. They had embraced and were practicing Satanic Ritual Abuse by sacrificing their children to the gods. In many different, more overt ways, we have done the same.

Please, don’t misjudge the one true God. His mercy endures forever.

I’m contributing all my October royalties from “Heartache of Promise” to the relief efforts around Hurricane Helene. Here’s the link:


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